Ceremonial Cacao Drinks for Cyclical Living

Week one


Menstruation/Autumn/New Moon

The time for letting go. Just like the trees loosing leaves. We are being called to surrender and relax into the shorter days, revel in the bounty of the seasons harvest and stop to fully appreciate what we have created. Moon time is a deeply intuitive time for self reflection but also to really enjoy our environment and blessings..........

ready to luxuriate?

week two


Follicular phase/Postpartum/ Winter/Waxing Moon

In winters darkest hours we await the return of the sun. After Solstice, we start to Awaken, just like after we bleed. This slightly spiced blend is here to enliven and to gently stimulate through the dark days, so you are ready to emerge into spring, reconnect with community, and take inspired, aligned action.

ready to awaken?

week three


Ovulation/Spring/Full Moon

Peak energy comes at the time leading up to ovulation, the crescendo in the women's monthly cycle, and the building of maximum light and heat of the summer. The herbs in Embody support full expression and aligned action. Let’s indulge in the season of creativity and flow with dance, play and being with others.

ready to embody?



Luteal phase/Pre-Menstrual/Waning Moon/
A hot Summer

Excess heat can overwhelm, making us prone to anger so add in soothing self-care. Take some time to be at peace, connect to the earth and breathe. Balance cools the frantic energy and heat of late summer as we ready ourselves to slow down, and descend into Fall once again.

ready to feel balance?