Contact Emerging Wisdom Cacao

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why cacao blends?

3 main reasons I deliver my herb blends with cacao:

1. As a vasodilator it expands the blood vessels and increases blood flow and absorption, thus helping assimilation of anything added to it

2. Cacao is a lovely way to add daily ritual to our lives and makes it much easier to remember to 'take our medicines'

3. A lot of benefits come from the cacao itself including very high iron and magnesium content, flavonoids, B vitamins, boosts serotonin and therefore mood. Eases PMS symptoms and provides a gentle more balanced form of energy then coffee.

Why cyclical living?

What if I don't have a cycle or a regular cycle?

Do I need to get all fancy with tracking my cycle to enjoy this cacao?

What happens if I use them at the 'wrong' time?

How do you recommend using the blends day to day?